When we were younger, we were accustomed to living in a pattern. From going to school, finishing high school to college to look for a job, and get married then have kids if it’s possible. Our brains are too hardwired to the routine of life. It becomes a cycle. From being a norm then becomes a standard.
Growing up in a small town before, I am very familiar with this kind of living. Most of the young people got married or have kids at an early age as for them the earlier the better so the kids would help them in the future when they get older. I get it. It’s a fixed mindset. Of course, I understood that living in a small town there's nothing else you can do but to get married and no other options. I began to think that life is not all about this and that. That success is not all about survival. And that success is not all about getting married or be a CEO to become successful in life.
I remembered the story of the Alchemist when this little boy wanted to go to Egypt to see the Pyramid but along his journey, he encountered so many things that taught him to fight even though that was not what he was looking for. He was told that the Pyramid is just a pile of bricks but still he continued his mission. You see, success can be mean to different people. It could be money, memories, lessons, possessions, titles, and many more.
The society and the kind of environment we live contribute our ways of living and how we think about success. And I do not agree that success means being lucky. I was even told that I'm not lucky. Luck means when preparation meets opportunity. And if there is no opportunity then create one.
What success means to me is not the standard definition of the so-called typical people who accomplished things with titles and materials things they accumulated. Sure those are hard work and we all deserve the recognition. I experienced being compared their life to my life of what they have own materially to make me feel that I do not achieve what they achieved or worse made me feel I do not know anything. In my mind, I reckoned and asked myself if these people found the success of those things why bothered to match their life with me when we are not in the same wavelength. I made a paradigm shift to describe what true success means to me and maybe you might resonate with my outlook.
· Success is a collection of learning. Everything we’ve been through is a learning process. There is always a learning curve. There is a saying” Those who are always right never learned anything”.
· Success is a journey. It never stopped the same as happiness. Make it a habit that what you are doing every day is important to you and what you accomplished in a day considered a success.
· Success is taking care of yourself. Level up your self-care by proper hygiene including mental and physical exercises. Reading a book. Meditation. You may be successful in your career but full of negativity in your heart is not true success at all.
· Success is having a growth mindset. Having an abundant mindset creates a good opportunity and connection. You can also see a silver lining in a difficult situation.
· Success is not solely on materials things but inner peace and contentment. Those two are the bottom of the ladder.
· Success is helping those who are in need. It is also serving people to find the purpose of your success. Many people I know are very proud of what they accomplished and underestimate those who are below them instead of helping them. Or worse, blaming those who are not as successful as them.
· Success is quite. True successful people are quite and not arrogant. Their authenticity of achieving their success inspires other people that they can do too as well.
· Success overall is developing a good character with a great personality with a kind heart.
Never compare yourself to others. Your success is different from them. You do not have what they have and they don’t have what you have but in your heart you know that at some point in your life you found success. It is not always perfect and it will never be. We live in a materialistic world where everyone is judging, comparing, always in a hurry to accomplish things but finding true success is at that moment. The moment you struggle but bounce back. The time you cry for someone or something then you realized it was enough and learned from it. We have different strategies, plans, missions in life to succeed. Those failures and learning afterward. Even living by yourself and you survived and happy means a lot to you. Never underestimate those things to truly define your success. A determined person sees an opportunity and not problems. Sees things you cannot see. Feels good things others can’t feel. Count simple things as success and it truly makes a difference. We never knew what life could bring. Always remember that life is not a race. Take it easy and enjoy the ride.
So tell me what success means to you.