Life is about evolving. It does not stop even if we get age. We experience different things every year and every phase in our lives require a different version of ourselves. Every decision, struggle, consequence, choice, effect, result of whatever we are doing mould us as a person and teach us of many lessons in our lives and of who we become.
Another year to be grateful that I am still alive. A year full of surprises, hope, joy, peace, contentment, excitement despite the uncertainty.
With this, I would like to share with you my 40 things that I learned so far in my life (but not necessarily in these order). :
1. Look after yourself because nobody else will and this includes taking care of yourself physically, emotionally, spiritually and financially.
2. Be bold. Be daring. Be different because everyone is already taken. Nobody wants to be with someone boring.
3. Go after your dream and dream big. It’s free anyways.
4. Have an abundant mindset. Let loose and be more creative. Learn new things every day. Find a new hobby and make it your passion. No matter how simple it is.
5. Learn to say NO. Not everything in life is YES.
6. Go out. Be a Dora the explorer. You will learn many things by exploring things and places by yourself.
7. Be a loner sometimes. Loneliness is not the absence of people but rather the absence of purpose. This is the best time to reflect and to make life in harmony.
8. Be a risk taker. You will never learn anything when you don’t take risks. Not taking risk is not a risk. Once you master it, there’s nothing to be afraid of.
9. Find your place and own it. If you are not moving from where you are; you never noticed your chain and you will never grow.
10. Be a person with character. A woman with substance is far sexier than wearing nothing left in your imagination.
11. Choose your friends. It is a reflection of you. Not everyone you met in your life is your friend.
12. Be patient. Mostly instant result or instant self gratification won’t last long.
13. Be kind to yourself and to other people. This is the most beautiful cloth you can wear.
14. Have fun. Be crazy, darling. Smile and the world will smile at you.
15. Be grateful everyday for what you have and what you will receive unexpectedly.
16. Don’t take life too seriously. Nobody will check you but yourself.
17. Don’t compare yourself with others but rather compete with yourself to become the best version of who you want to be.
18. Have time to have physical activities to keep fit and healthy. Eat good food too.
19. Make it a habit to read books. This is good for learning things in life and to keep your brain healthy and active.
20. Be open-minded. There are things that exist and are possible that you might think not possible.
21. Re-invent and experiment yourself- could be your hair, wardrobe, routine etc.
22. Buy things that are useable and long lasting and not for short term use.
23. Be smart. Smart people do not sacrifice themselves for temporary pleasure.
24. Be a good communicator. Speaking English does not necessarily mean you are intelligent but how to communicate properly with ease and politeness.
25. Don’t always go with the flow. Not all those who wander alone are lost.
26. Be positive. You can always see a silver lining even in a difficult situation.
27. Be resourceful. Do not always depend on anyone. It is a great skill.
28. Be vulnerable. You can cry it’s normal. It’s not even weak.
29. Be observant. Most of us were taught to look but not to observe and not everything needs a reaction too.
30. Try to mingle with people with different nationalities and different age. It is a great way to enhance your social skills and learn different culture.
31. Learn another language. It is fun not to mention it’s globally competitive.
32. Be happy. Find joy in your heart. Everything else will follow.
33. Don’t be obsessed of success. What you see is not always what you get. The result is not all the time the sweetest thing but remember the climax of the story is how you go/went through to get what you want. Be an alchemist.
34. Always have an option B, C .
35. Create your own identity. Same as choosing your own perfume. Be credible.
36. Appreciate small things and help others. Remember when you serve – that’s your purpose.
37. Remember there is always above and below us. So, why the arrogance.
38. There’s nothing wrong to achieve greatness but please don’t forget to be good.
39. Stay away with toxic people. Toxic people are not picky. They tend to influence all people to be like them. But you are not like them.
40. Lastly, I am still young and gorgeous. I get it. J
Now, I have come of age. Happy birthday to me.