Everyone is different in personality. We were born with different characters and traits. Some are extrovert. Some are introverts. And the person in between called an ambivert. It is easy to spot someone who is an extrovert because they are those who always with people and getting energy from the crowd. They called themselves a people person. They are mostly loud and excel often at work and in any organisation. They have many friends and social groups for them to survive. The only thing that is lacking for them is having the emotional intelligence. They never understood people who are different from them. They tried to change people to be like them. They think that being an extrovert is the most powerful and the best personality of all because they display all sort of their traits.
I, for one, considered myself an introvert/ambivert personality. I started to realised back in my university years. One classmate said to me that she didn’t see me hanging out with people who are in the same group and that she said I could resonate with other people and so I am different. Then I began to think why I am different and why I am behaving like this? Is this normal? Even to my family they would never understand my way of thinking. I see things in a different approach not the so called traditional or what we are accustomed to. I experienced being bullied at work. I am often misunderstood. I don’t have a lot of friends. They made me felt an outcast or have my own world. But there are those who can see the beauty of being different. But I never felt a victim of some sort neither a villain. I was misjudged for many things but all I did was to keep quiet and did nothing. I felt like there is no need for vengeance because for me it is not worth it. It is also a cultural thing that plays a vital role to shape someone’s personality. I don’t feel the misfit but rather I feel good to be different for many reasons.
1. Being different does not feel the need of having a lot of people to be with just to feel good but by being alone or less people makes it satisfying. Introvert/ambivert people are good in isolation. It doesn’t mean that they are not friendly but it is important for them to recharge after a long hours with people. Quality over quantity is their motto. They don’t follow the crowd but they believe that seekers are alone.
2. Being Introvert/ambivert people are very observant. They cannot read minds but they never doubt patterns of behaviour. They fully understood extrovert people but extrovert people never understood introvert. But you never heard the latter to change the former to be like them. They set an example instead.
3. Being different does not feel the need of approval especially if they knew that what they are doing is not only good but it is the right thing to do.
4. Introvert/ambivert people are good in self-control. Calmness is mastery. It is a sign of strength. They are not also afraid of showing their vulnerability. People can relate more in vulnerability than in strengths.
5. Being an introvert/ambivert can manage to work alone or with people. Many organisations that I know only recognise extrovert people. But having a balance of other personality in the workplace or any situation is necessary in contributing one’s success because mostly introvert are high in emotional intelligence. They are good in managing people because they understand and manage their emotions and how to respond and react to it. They practice self awareness.
6. Mostly introvert/ambivert people are good communicators and organisational skills. They are careful of choosing words and how that words would come across to other people. They may not talk too much but once given a situation when other people ask an opinion they might be wondering how they know those things simply because they are misunderstood.
7. Introvert/ambivert is a risk taker. Not taking risk is risky. Not afraid of failure. It is a process of learning. Failure is a collective of learning. Not defining success as a final destination.
8. They are not just outside the box but they live outside the box. They can see possibility and opportunity in every situation no matter how bad it is. They have the growth mindset over fixed mindset. Other term is abundance mindset. They compete with own self. They wanted to learn new things no matter how simple it is and their growth scares people.
9. They are happy people. They find joy even in a simple way. This is a bit confusing to some. I know a lot of extrovert people who are happy too. But if you are in a happy state, you don’t need to judge nor compare yourself to other people. Authenticity is the key.
10. Introvert/ambivert people are living their life effortlessly in whatever situation. They don’t follow rules in life. They find ways to make it easy and what works for them to balance living the life. They reached the point in life when they become unimpressed with material things and that peace and contentment are the bottom of the ladder. They know their purpose in life in whatever they do is to inspire and add value to other people. They live in the present. They are not perfectionist.
11. Introvert/ambivert people are self motivators and resourceful. It is not that they don’t need help but they don’t depend from other people and let the luck falls on the lap. Luck is neither our best friend nor hard work but is having the right attitude. Luck happens when preparation meets opportunity.
12. They are confident individuals not arrogant. They are not after of the title in life but simply by having a good character. Knowledge will give you power but character will give you respect. They have haters obviously. But remember haters never jealous of losers.
Do not be afraid to be different. Recognise others who are not the same as you are. It’s not just good to be different but it’s better to be different. The world is in chaos now. Be kind and be divergent.